Power outage in Canada – UPDATE – 04/04/2022
Power is still down in the Canadian islands due to multiple trees and limbs down on and around power lines.
Power outage in Canada – 04/04/2022
The power is currently down on Pender Island affecting our feed to parts of Saturna Island and a bounce point back towards northern Orcas. Local power crews estimate a 4 pm restoration time.
Orcas backbone outage – 03/25/2022 – RESOLVED
Power has been restored to our broadcast location. We have removed our generator and all services are operating normally. If you still do not have an internet connection please notify our office at 360-376-4124.
Orcas backbone outage – 03/25/2022 – UPDATE
A planned power outage is affecting one of our backbone broadcasters that serves parts of Orcas as well as Lummi, Saturna, and Waldron Island. We are setting up a generator at the site and power should be restored soon.
UPDATE: Our generator is onsite and connectivity has been restored. The power is expected to be fully restored at about 1:30 pm today, at which time the internet will go down for a few minutes as the generator is taken offline. After that all connections should resume normal operations.
Routing Failure – RESOLVED – 03/14/22
Our network technician identified the problem and was able to implement a fix. All service have been restored and we are all the wiser for this experience.
Saturna fully restored – 02/22/2022
All broadcasters on Saturna Island are fully operational. Please notify our office at 360-376-4124 or support@orcasonline.com if you are unable to access the internet.
Power restored on Lummi/minor Saturna outage – 02/22/2022
Power has been restored to our broadcast point on Lummi Island and our service to northeastern Orcas has resumed. Please notify our office if your internet has not resumed.
One of our broadcasters that serves some residences on Saturna Island has gone down. We have notified personnel onsite.
Power Outage on Lummi – 02/22/2022
The power is currently out on the north end of Lummi Island where are broadcaster that serves northeastern Orcas is located. The power company estimates a restoration time of 12 pm, at which our system should resume operation automatically.
Temporary Pender outage – 02/16/2022
The local power company has posted an update that their planned power outage on Pender Island would continue into today. Power should be restored by 5 pm this evening, at which point all affected connections on Saturna Island should resume normally.
Temporary Pender outage – 02/15/2022
Electrical work on Pender Island is affecting one of our broadcast towers that serves southern Saturna Island. The power company anticipates completing this work by 5 pm. All connectivity should resume automatically when the power is restored.