Saturna restored/Temporary fix for backbone connection – 02/01/2022

Connectivity has been restored at our local broadcast point on Saturna.

We are currently running on a backup connection for our link that serves western Orcas, Saturna, and Waldron.  The hardware restoration did not go we had hoped, and we have ordered replacement parts; until they arrive we will remain on the backup connection.  This connection has been used as a main connection in the past, and should be sufficient for normal internet usage.

Network status for Orcas, Saturna, and Waldron – 01/29/2022

Yesterday we suffered a weather-related equipment failure at a main broadcast point on Orcas that serves parts of Orcas, Saturna, and Waldron.  We are currently operating on a backup link while replacement parts are ordered and the damaged is repaired.  Service should have resumed normally for the affected areas.  Please notify our office if you are unable to access the internet.

All Service Restored – 01/07/2022

All access points are operational.  If your devices are still unable to get out to a server, please contact our office at or 360-376-4124.

Outage Updates Saturna & Orcas 01/07/2022

Power has been restored to East Point and all of our broadcasters are back online.

Our broadcaster at the Ferry Landing has stopped passing traffic.  Our technicians are currently checking for the problem.

UPDATE Power Outage on Saturna 01/07/2022

Power has been restored to Pender and most of Saturna island.  Crews are still working on Eastpoint where our broadcaster to north Orcas is located.  No estimated restoration time yet.  We are continuing to monitor their progress.