UPDATE Power Outage on Saturna 01/06/2022
The local power provider anticipates having power restored to Saturna and Pender by 6 pm.
Power Outage on Saturna 01/06/2022
Power is out to all of Saturna effecting customers on Saturna and Pender, and some of Orcas. Crews are on site, we are monitoring for an ETA.
Lovers Cove back up 2022-1-4
All work has been completed and the Access Point is back up.
Lovers Cove temp outage for equipment repair – 2022-1-4
A technician is replacing power gear onsite for our Access Point that serves the Lovers Cove area. We expect the outage to last about 15 minutes.
Backbone Outage UPDATE – 2021-12-17
Power has been restored to our broadcasting site and all connections should be back up and running. Please contact our office if your internet connection has not resumed yet.
Backbone Outage – 2021-12-17
An unplanned OPALCO outage has taken down our main broadcast link on Sunset Mountain, which serves sections of western Orcas and some parts of eastern Orcas. OPALCO currently estimates a restoration time of 3:30 pm. We are currently monitoring the network to ensure connections come back up when power is restored.
Saturna Outage – 2021-11-16
One of our Access Points in Saturna has suffered water intrusion during the rainstorm. We are making plans to replace it.
Service Outage Resolutions – 2021-11-16
Connectivity has been restored to all of our Access Points in San Juan County. One Access Point on Saturna Island did not come back online, the site is currently being inspected.
Service Outage Ongoing – 2021-11-16
A small, localized power outage continues to affect our repeater on Saturna Island. Electric company estimates put the crew onsite around 10 am.
One of our local broadcasters in the Buck Mt. area failed to come up after power was restored. Our techs will be addressing that issue this morning.
Power Outage Resolutions and Ongoings – 2021-11-15
Power has been restored to all of our network except for Blakely Island and parts of Saturna Island, which is affecting our customers on Saturna, and both tips of southern Orcas. Electrical crews are still working on restoring power to those locations, which should resume normal operation once the power returns. We are also currently dealing with local Access Point outages on Buck Mt. and in Lavender Hollow.
If you are not in one of these affected areas and your connection is still down please leave a message with us at 360-376-4124 or email support@orcasonline.com and we will assist you when we are able.