UPDATE: South Orcas Network Outage – 2021-06-25

We have verified that there is electrical work occurring at the site of our broadcast point on Lopez until around noon today.  Once completed, power will be restored and the service should resume.

Mainland connection restored 20210217 0920

We determined that a bad piece of equipment, which was responsible for transferring the feed from the mainland link into our server, was disrupting our connection.  We have replaced the faulty equipment and connectivity has been fully restored.

All networks now up – 20210212 – 1120

Power has been restored to our Access Point on Lummi Island.  Our network is once again fully operational.  If you are still unable to access the internet please contact our office at 360-376-4214.

Lummi Outage Update – 20210212 – 0935

The power outage on Lummi has lasted longer than anticipated, with a projected restoration time of 10:30 am.  Our crew has gone over to Lummi to setup onsite backup power which will be utilized during future outages to maintain connectivity with the affected network area.

Lummi Outage Update – 20210211 – 2137

Local energy providers have estimated a restoration time of 7 am Friday morning for Lummi Island.  At that time internet connectivity will resume automatically for currently affected customers.  Please notify our office at 360-376-4124 if your internet has not resumed by 9 am.

Outage Update – 20210211 – 1815

Power has been restored to all parts of Orcas Island.  The Lummi Island outage repairs are still underway with no restoration estimate.  Visit https://www.opalco.com/outages/ for updates on any local outages that may occur during the night.

Power Outage on Orcas – 20210211 – 1715

All areas of Western Orcas and much of Northern Orcas have experienced a power outage.  Our main office currently has power but the outage has affected several of our access points in those areas.  Internet service will be resumed automatically when power is restored.  Visit opalco.com for updates on restoration progress.

Power outage on Lummi Island – 20210211 – 1655

The winter storm continues.  Our access point on Lummi Island has lost power due to a local outage.  The electric provider is aware of it and investigating the issue.  We will update the status as they provide restoration time.