Power outage on Orcas – 12/21/22 – ONGOING
We are unable to reach the Lummi/Raccoon Point backhaul site due to the winter conditions. Tomorrow our technicians will attempt to reach the site on foot to see if power can be restored manually.
We deeply apologize for the problems this outage has caused.
Network Disruption on Orcas – 12/21/22
One our broadcast routers that serves central Orcas and parts of Blakely Island has stopped responding. Our techs are currently working on bringing the connection back up.
Power outage on Saturna – 12/21/22 – UPDATE – RESOLVED
RESOLUTION: Power has been restored to Saturna and our systems there are fully back online.
Our battery backup at Eastpoint on Saturna has gone down due to the long duration of the local power outage. Local estimates still place restoration time at 1 pm.
Power outage on Orcas – 12/21/22 – UPDATE
UPDATE: We have determined that the power outage is localized at the broadcast site. Our techs are planning to go up to the site with a generator, but weather conditions may prevent them from reaching it. We will continue to post updates as they develop.
Power has been lost at our broadcast tower serving Lummi Island and parts of northern Orcas. We are currently investigating the situation.
Power outage on Saturna – 12/21/22 – ONGOING
Power is out again on Saturna, and may have been through the night, for our broadcast towers serving local customers. The local power company estimates a restoration time of 1 pm today.
Power outage on Saturna – 12/20/22 – RESOLVED
Power has been restored on Saturna and our broadcast radios are operating normally.
Power outage on Saturna – 12/20/22
The power is out on the northern part of Saturna Island, affecting our local broadcasters there. Power crews have been assigned to the outage.
Service Interruption for Saturna and Orcas – 12/14/22 – RESOLVED
Our techs found a bad port on one of our network switches. We have adjusted the setup at our broadcast tower and service has been restored to Saturna and the subsequent feeds to Orcas and Waldron.
Power restored on Saturna 11/30/22
Power has been restored to Saturna Island, and all of our local radios have resumed normal operation. If you are still unable to connect to the internet, please contact our office at 360-376-4124.
Windstorm Issues – 11/29-30/22 – UPDATE
Work is continuing on the power situation on Saturna Island.
Our techs have re-aimed our backhaul dish in Eastsound and its normal operation has resumed.